PETTER ELDH: Koma Saxo (We Jazz Records)
Koma Sax, a new quintet instigated and led by bass beast Petter Eldh gathering the sweeping horns of Finnish and Swedish forces Mikko Innanen, Jonas Kullhammar and Otis Sandsjö plus the driven and and driving inner chiseling of impetuous power-drummer Christian Lillinger - actually heavy action on the Berlin - Helsinki axis. It is music in the neck and breath of present time, a compact, highly densified, mighty new form of outright core jazz of its own, resting on strong and valid self-reliance. This music has a double expressive impact. It gives a clear and urgent feeling of facing straight to the time, to the realities we are living in. Also, it bundles up a decided, feathered, infectious counter force. It is musically deep core jazz of the best and radical new cut.