Erik Truffaz 4tet feat. Nya “Bending New Corners”
The return of the memorable project !
Ten years of jazz with the legendary Odéon Theater are cause for celebration! The festival has decided to spoil you with an exceptional concert, in the image of those who have made their mark on a location that is often called magical for concert nights. Memories… On this stage, Yaron Herman invited Michel Portal and Matthieu Chedid for a unique concert, Michel Legrand enthralled the audience and Melanie di Biasio made her comeback last May… May the dream and the talent live on through Erik Truffaz and the must-see Bending New Corners reunion. In 1997, trumpet player and musical alchemist Erik Truffaz debuted to a much larger audience than jazz aficionados. With his EP “The Dawn”, he pushed a sound which now has a huge following: an acoustic whole mixed with electronic rhythms. One year later, buoyed by his success, the group composed Bending New Corners which met with instant international success. Twenty years later, Erik Truffaz invokes the history of music once again and is inviting rapper Nya to join him and his partners in crimes Marcello Giuliani, Marc Erbetta and Benoît Corboz for a series of exceptional anniversary concerts, celebrating the birth of these two legendary albums. Don’t miss out on blowing all these candles together!
Erik Truffaz : trumpet / Benoit Corboz : piano, Fender Rhodes / Marcello Giuliani : bass / Marc Erbetta : drums / Nya : voice