Unspeakable Garbage: Moppa Elliott-Bryan Murray-Nick Millevoi-Ron Stabinsky-Dan Monaghan

Unspeakable Garbage: Moppa Elliott-Bryan Murray-Nick Millevoi-Ron Stabinsky-Dan Monaghan

Where: Victoria Eugenia Theatre - Skoda Space
Victoria Eugenia theatre
San Sebastián
25 July 2019 - 17:30
Moppa Elliott (bass), Bryan Murray (sax), Nick Millevoi (guitar), Ron Stabinsky (piano), Dan Monaghan (drums)

Moppa Elliott has been the bass player and leader since its creation of Mostly Other People Do the Killing. MOPDtK, for short, is one of the groups most difficult to define, a fresh and leading-edge exponent of 21st century jazz. Today, Moppa brings us his new group, Unspeakable Garbage, with all the energy of a rock band and the quality guaranteed by its members, such as the pianist Ron Stabinsky (also a member of MOPDtK).