Faced with the current restrictions, Banlieues Bleues has mobilised its main partners to transform its usual spring festival into 8 gigs without audience to be screened online in April and May 2021.
In most of the cities of Seine-Saint-Denis (outskirts of Paris) that were to host the 38th jazz festival, eight concerts will be organised, without an audience but in front of the cameras of La Huit production to shoot eight high-quality movies, that will be broadcasted for free online from April 9 on the website banlieuesbleues.org.
All the bands involved in this digital edition will present original projects: the classy French quartet Limousine will play a special retrospective-concert; Cuban double-bass player Felipe Cabrera will premiere his “Medusa” project with Cuban Berlin-based choreographer Judith Sanchez Ruiz; Palestinian oud player Kamilya Jubran will start a platform, “Terra Incognita”, with French bassist Floy Krouchi and Lebanese oudist Youmna Sa; French bassist and composer Sarah Murcia will show her new project “My Mother Is A Fish” inspired by William Faulkner’s novel. This digital festival will also premiere the French-Algerian blues-raï trio Mademoiselle (Rodolphe Burger, Sofiane Saidi, Mehdi Haddab), “Another world” by French-Syrian flutist Naïssam Jalal and her band Rhythms of Resistance, the new repertoire of Senegalese artist Tie & The Love Process, and also a musical show for young audiences “Odibi, the art of patience” by Cameroon storyteller Ze Jam Afane…
A hundred musicians and technicians are on the deck with the movie teams to prepare such a special festival, to make 2021 anything but a blank page, a year of experimentation so that the music remains alive, present and in motion.