How do you measure the ecological footprint of the live music sector and how do you create a strong network for music professionals in Europe?
Better Live is a four-year collaborative project between eleven European partners in the world of jazz and improvised music. It follows the Footprints project, which involved two years of research into sustainability and support for professionals in the music sector. Based on the results, we are now introducing low-carbon tours aiming to reduce the ecological footprint of both artists and audiences compared to the total footprint created by tours, festivals and concerts.
In addition, we want to improve geographical diversity when programming tours in Europe. We are working hard to create a sustainable and strong network within and between various European countries and regions.
In The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, the Better Live project is led by BIMHUIS. The first tour of the American band Amirtha Kidambi’s Elder Ones will take place on various European stages from April 4 to 13.
More information.
4 April – Banlieues Bleues, Paris, FR
5 April – Rewire, The Hague, NL
6 April – Panel at Rewire, The Hague, NL
7 April – Workshop Royal Conservatory, The Hague, NL
9 April – In Situ Art Society, Boon, DE
11 April – BIMHUIS, Amsterdam, NL
12 April – Better Live Panel at jazzahead! clubnight, Bremen, DE
12 April – jazzahead! clubnight, Bremen, DE
13 April – Jazzexzess, Berlin, DE
Better Live is a collaboration between Le Périscope (FR) / Wytwornia Foundation (PL) / BIMHUIS (NL) / Oslo Nasjonal Jazzscene (NO) / Plataforma Jazz España (ES) / Zavod Sploh (SI) / The Cluster (GR) / Improvised Music Company (IE) / G Livelab Tampere (FI) / EMEE – European Music Exporters Exchange (BE) / jazzahead! (DE) and funded by the European Union within the framework of the Creative Europe program.