Grands Formats invites large ensembles from all over Europe to join the federation as Think Big! members through a call for applications, running until December 16th of 2022.
Becoming a member of Grands Formats means becoming a part of a European family of musicians who join forces to defend musical creation and to fight for artists in jazz and improvised music in all its diversity. The federation's purpose is to hold the voice of jazz and improvised music large ensembles and collectives, highlighting music performed by large ensembles.
Want to join Think Big! network ?
Please read the criteria on our website and contact our chief delegate to discuss your application and the procedure to follow. Also don't hesitate in spreading the words to potential new members!
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Becoming a member of Grands Formats means becoming a part of a European family of musicians who join forces to defend musical creation and to fight for artists in jazz and improvised music in all its diversity. The federation's purpose is to hold the voice of jazz and improvised music large ensembles and collectives, highlighting music performed by large ensembles.
Want to join Think Big! network ?
Please read the criteria on our website and contact our chief delegate to discuss your application and the procedure to follow. Also don't hesitate in spreading the words to potential new members!
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