7:30pm, Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th June
Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin
Tickets €15 - €25
Book: www.downwithjazz2016.eventbrite.ie
2016: Jazz Rising
A centenary celebration of rousing and rising, swinging and scatting at Down With Jazz this June Bank holiday weekend in Meeting House Square.
1916 set the scene for a new state for Ireland but also a new sound for the world. It was the birth of Jazz amongst the African-American communities in the United States, and the birth of a new state of mind for Ireland. From tiny seeds to Giant Steps; Down With Jazz proclaims Free State. Free Jazz. Free Minds.
By the 1930s in Ireland however, this musical liberation had become demonised by the Irish clergy as ‘devil’s music’, with both state and church colluding to have the music banned from the airwaves and dancehalls of our ‘sacred’ island. Would those culturally and socially oppressive attitudes of the ‘30s have existed if history had allowed us to hold fast to the ideals of the Proclamation?
Fast-forward one hundred years of Ireland, and a century of Jazz, and there is plenty to celebrate in the Irish music scene. Contemporary and inclusive, Down With Jazz is a celebration for open minds and open ears. This 2-day festival welcomes musicians and music lovers of all persuasions, from funk to ‘free’, beatnik to the bayou Down With Jazz reflects our diversity today.
Saturday night kicks off with Stephen McHale’s Weird Glitches, combining popular melodic simplicity and accomplished improvisational complexity. Award winning singer Edel Meade will perform a Tribute to Lady Day, celebrating another 100th for the birth of the legendary Billie Holiday. Two-horns-no chords quartet ReDiviDer represent the rebels, with downtown grooves, collective improvisation and a punchy palindrome. Reminding us of the jazz roots and wrapping up our Saturday night will be the swampy sounds of Toot Sweet and the Shadow Man.
Sunday opens with Snowpoet, one of prolific Irish jazz artist Lauren Kinsella’s many projects; an alternative folky edge taking improvised exploration through the complexities of song structure. Matthew Halpin’s Last Chance Dance trio pay homage to traditional jazz through energetic and playful interpretations and expressive musicianship. Led with unique style and and featuring some of Ireland’s leading musicians, the Richie Buckley Quintet will show the journey of jazz in Ireland through their world-class virtuosic technique. Closing the festival with a fight for funk freedom, Zaska will give one of their famous live performances with a feel good blend of future-soul, hip-hop and funk.
Come on down and free your behind, and your mind will follow!