Oslo Jazz Festival: 14 to 22 August 2016.
Finally, the whole festival program has been released, and we are proud to present a varied high quality content. We are covering the entire jazz genre, as well as making sure to arrange the festival program for people of all ages. The programme is available here: http://oslojazz.com/program/?y=2016
In addition to this year’s main program, we have put together a small side program as well. Included in the side program is a Master Class with Jimmy Webb and Serendip@Oslojazz, a free event arranged in Vinterhagen with students from The Norwegian Academy of Music. We have also been cooperating with Cinemateket in conjunction with our 30-year anniversary, and from the 2nd to the 20th of August there will be screened 12 unique films with a jazz theme at Cinemateket, including an exclusive release of the movie Miles Ahead.
We have three different concerts aimed towards children and families, where Ekornes i 100 in Marmorsalen at Sentralen is free for everyone. Because of this, we added an extra concert that very same day, where it’s first come, first served!
All tickets are now for sale at Ticketco and Ticketmaster.
Tickets to concerts at the Operahouse can be purchased atwww.operaen.no or ordered by phone, +47 21 42 21 21.
Tickets to Cinemateket can be reserved via www.cinemateket.no or by sending an e-mail to billett@nfi.no.