Oslo jazzfestival marks its 35th. anniversary this year and is a celebration of the vitality of jazz. Last year's festival was a success, and the festival has worked hard to follow up with a slightly bigger festival for Oslo’s jazz loving audience this August.
We are very pleased to announce this year’s festival now that the reopening plans are underway. We were able to present an excellent program during last year's festival, and are very optimistic for week 33 in August. This is Oslo at its best, as newspaper Aftenposten wrote after the opening concert last year, and we will live up to this success through-out the festival week.
This year's opening concert will be Oslo Jazz Ensemble & Ola Kvernberg at Sentralen on Monday the 16th. On the same day, you’ll also get the opportunity to experience last year's Usbl Jazz Talent winner Veslemøy Narvesen at Victoria.
During the festival week we will present a commission piece by Kim Myhr, Strønen/Lea/Tanaka who recently released their debut on ECM, Gard Nilssen’s Supersonic Orchestra, Karin Krog & Hanna Pausberg, Koma Saxo, Tord Gustavsen/Simin Tander/Jarle Vespestad, Atomic, Rymden and a series of solo concerts including Håkon Kornstad, Anja Lauvdal. Eve Risser, Paal Nilssen-Love and a many more.
The complete main program can be read here: https://oslojazz.com/program/