Festa do Jazz 2020 now available for streaming on RTP Palco: https://www.rtp.pt/play/palco/palcos/festadojazz
The 18th edition of Festa do Jazz took place on the 12th and 13th of September for the first time at the Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB) in Lisbon. Due to the pandemic the festival took place without a live audience, but was able to establish a new partnership with the national television, RTP Palco, for live transmission and streaming of the festival content on this platform, all free of charge for the audience.
The full program of Festa do Jazz 2020 will be available on the digital platform RTP Palco, including the concerts of Maria João & Carlos Bica Quartet, Mali M'Bule Baaba - 50 Years of Bernardo Sassetti, João Barradas, Ricardo Toscano “The Sound of Desire ”, Andy Sheppard Costa Oeste, Tomás Marques Quartet and Gabriel Ferrandini“ Volúpias ”.
Also available is live footage of this year’s premieres of artist collaborations: Susana Santos Silva + Angélica Salvi as well as the two encounters Encontro I with Carlos Martins, João Paulo Esteves da Silva, Carlos Bica and João Lobo, and Encontro II with Inês Proença, Maria Fonseca, Sofia Queiroz and Beatriz Félix.
Staying true to its tradition as a festival that brings together several generations, styles and audiences, this year’s program featured a new digital format of the traditional Nacional Encounter of Schools with the participation of jazz school combos from all over the country and also presented one more edition of the annual RTP/Festa do Jazz Awards for outstanding Portuguese jazz musicians.
Apart from the concerts the program also includes the coaching session “Jazz and the Labor Market” with Pedro Costa (Clean Feed), Gonçalo Frota (Público) and Carlos Martins (ASL / Jazz Party); the book launch “Festa do Jazz”, the Portugal, Jazz and Racism debate with Maria João, Selma Uamusse and Mamadou Ba - (all in Portuguese).
In the face of the pandemic and the lack of government support for culture, Festa do Jazz wanted to contribute to minimize the negative impact on the lives of cultural professionals, artists and technicians, in a time when they are going through unprecedented difficulties. Therefore Festa do Jazz joined the Solidarity with Culture Fund launched by Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa, GDA, Audiogest and GEDIPE and contributed by fundraising on the the festival website – all donations were reverted 100% to the fund to help Portuguese artists and technicians during this pandemic.
In 2021, Festa do Jazz will continue to keep highlighting the unique qualities of the Portuguese jazz community that it has been helping to consolidate. It will also continue to actively work towards the rights of artists and cultural workers – a cause that the promoter of Festa do Jazz, Associação Sons da Lusofonia, has been fighting towards for many years.
Site: https://sonsdalusofonia.com/festa-do-jazz-edicoes-2020/
Programme: https://sonsdalusofonia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/A3-FDJ20-03.pdf