Conductor Kari Heinilä
Jukka Perko, a major name in Finnish jazz, and fresh young singer and songwriter Yona (a.k.a. Johanna Louhivuori) will bring the moods and nostalgia of Finnish schlagers to the Savoy Theatre and Vuotalo in February and March. ‘Dances with time’ is a charming combination of beloved tunes and the wistful dance-pavilion atmosphere of Yona’s music.
The programme includes very familiar titles such as Akselin ja Elinan häävalssi (Akseli and Elina’s wedding waltz) and Hiljainen kylätie (Quiet village road), newly arranged by Vellu Halkosalmi. They are joined by Yona’s own music such as Kellon alla (Under the clock) and Syyssävelmä (Autumn tune), arranged for large jazz band for this production.
Yona (b. 1984)
Yona’s début album, Yona & Orkesteri Liikkuvat Pilvet: Pilvet liikkuu, minä en (The clouds move, I don’t), was released in January 2010. Her urban forest girl image intrigued the media, and her innovative début release with echoes of old Finnish films attracted much interest. She was awarded the ‘Rookie Emma’ award in 2010, and since then she has released two albums – Vaikenen laulaen (I am silent by singing, 2011) and Vaikka tekee kipeää, ei haittaa (Although it hurts, it doesn’t matter, 2012), which were both enthusiastically received by critics and listeners alike.
Jukka Perko (b. 1968)
Jukka Perko is one of the best-known names in Finnish jazz and needs no introduction. He has combined jazz rhythms and imaginative performances with the very roots of Finnish music, from hymns to the schlagers performed by Olavi Virta.
Buy a Dinner & Show ticket for the UMO concert at the Savoy Theatre!
This offer is valid for all UMO concerts at the Savoy Theatre in spring 2013. For the Dances with time concert, Dinner & Show tickets cost 65,50/60,50/53 € and are inclusive of the concert and dinner (either before or after the concert). Prices include Lippupalvelu’s handling fees.
Once you have bought your ticket, book a table by contacting Restaurant Katsomo no later than two weekdays before the concert: www.royalravintolat.com or by phone 09 6128 5350.
Frothy cauliflower soup and whitefish roe on toast
Glazed duck leg and calvados sauce
Red currant and white chocolate mousse
THU 28.2.2013 AT 7.00 P.M.
Savoy Theatre, Helsinki
FRI 1.3.2013 AT 7.00 P.M.
Vuotalo, Helsinki
Tickets: 25 / 20 / 12,50 € (+ possible handling fees) (Savoy Theatre) and 16 / 14 € (+ possible handling fees) (Vuotalo), advance sales at Lippupalvelu