Artist Opportunity for Brecon Jazz 30th Anniversary Festival
Artist Brief for BRECON STREET DRESSING in Brecon Town Centre
7th to 10th August 2014
Brecon Beacons Tourism and Brecon Beacons National Park Authority (BBNPA) Sustainable Tourism wish to mark 30th anniversary of Jazz Festival by creating lamp-post mounted flags or banners, to dress St Mary’s Street in Brecon town centre, in the area adjacent to St Mary’s Church. The banners will be based on designs made by Brecon community members and residents including Brecon school pupils. The project is envisaged as a collaborative community project, under the direction of a single artist or artist team.
The banners will be displayed during this year’s festival weekend, and will have a life and use beyond the festival as a vibrant display of community artwork. The design themes should be a response to Jazz music
We are looking for a visual artist(s) (and enabler if desired) to oversee the design, print, production and installation of 10 street lamp-post mounted banners.
The artist should:
1. Design a project that will result in the production of a set of 10 lamp-post mounted banners. The overall design concept should be sufficiently free to allow contribution and execution of the designs by groups of local residents. Designs could be repeated – ie there could be 2 x 5 different designs.
2. Take responsibility for booking, organising and running the workshops with local Brecon residents to facilitate the design of the banners. The location and number of workshops is flexible, but should include at least one school setting.
3. Oversee the conversion of banner designs into digital files and procure the production of 10 banners from an appropriate print company. The size of the banners should be agreed with BBNPA and Brecon Town Council.
4. Procure the appropriate lamppost fixings for the banners and liaise with Brecon Town Council who will be responsible for installing them.
5. Work with Brecon Town Council and BBNPA to ensure installation of the banners in time for the Jazz festival (7-10 August), and no later than Friday 1 August 2014.
The Artist should have experience of running community based workshops involving a variety of ages and skills level. A commitment to engaging the public in accessible arts participation, outreach and/or education is essential. The Artist should be an excellent communicator and able to share creative techniques and skills with others. Experience of working with both children and adults together is also essential.
The Artist should demonstrate a practical understanding of health and safety requirements, inclusion and equal opportunities issues in the context of facilitating participatory activity. The artist should have their own public liability insurance.
The project will run in June and July 2014. The artist is responsible for agreeing the times and locations of the workshops.
A budget of £5,000 excluding VAT is available to deliver the project. This must include all materials, artist’s fees, banners and lamppost fixings.
Applications will be evaluated on the basis of proven relevant experience, ability to complete the work within the timescale, creativity and graphic design, value for money, and sustainability of proposed materials. Please therefore provide examples of previous work and a suggested timeline.
To apply for this opportunity, please send by midday MONDAY 2nd JUNE 2014:
The attached application form (See PDF below), including an overview of how you would approach the banner design for the project
A breakdown of costs
Details of key personnel involved.
A time line for delivery.
Examples of your work and a current CV Up to 5 digital images in jpeg or PDF format. Please label these.
Please specify the materials/supplier for the banners in your quotation bearing in mind the following considerations:
The environmental credentials of the materials proposed are an important consideration to us when choosing a supplier. In your quotation please include details, for example FSC approved wood/recycled plastic/recyclable materials/environmental friendly print processes.
Working with Children and Young people The artist should hold a current DBS disclosure.
Please return your completed application (PDF below) to: Catrin.Parish-Marks@beacons-npa.gov.uk or Catrin Parish-Marks, Sustainable Tourism Office, Plas Y Ffynnon, Cambrian Way, Brecon Powys LD3 7HP
Rural Alliances project
Rural Alliances is a €1million project for the Brecon Beacons. It is 50% funded by the ERDF Interreg IVB North West Europe Programme and in addition the Welsh Government’s Targeted Match Fund has contributed £320,000.
Rural Alliances will focus on three key themes: o Bringing entrepreneurs and communities together through the creation of new alliance structures to form self-supporting, inclusive, confident rural communities.
o Benchmarking and measuring rural vibrancy through a transnationally agreed process.
o Forging new relationships between the public, private and community sectors to safeguard and enhance public services and rural resources
This transnational project involves twelve different partners from Wales, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium. These are; Brecon Beacons National Park Authority (UK), Lead Partner; University of Wales, Trinity Saint David (UK); Boerenbondvereniging voor Projecten vzw (BE); Vlaamse Landmaatschappij (VLM) (BE); Stichting Streekhuis Het Groene Woud en De Meierij (NL); Stichting Streekhuis Kempenland (NL); Gemeente Lochem (NL); Philipps Universität Marburg (DE); South Kerry Development Partnership Ltd. (IE); Mayo County Council (IE); Maison de l'Emploi, du Développement, de la Formation et de l'Insertion du Pays de Redon-Bretagne Sud (MEDEFI) (FR); Laval Mayenne Technopole (FR).
The project contributes to a more cohesive EU society as it derives from a cooperation of people from different countries working on common issues that touch the lives of EU-citizens