
Batagraf (ECM Records and Jazzland), Jon Balke´s percussion lab in ensemble form, has been a rhythmic part of Norwegian music life since about 2004. In various editions and constellations, pianist and composer Balke has let his inner percussionist free and this diversity will be expressed when the Nasjonal jazzscene in Oslo celebrates Batavalen!, a three-day Batagraf festival, from to the of February.


"To investigate all the ways in which language and rhythm touch one another has been a mantra for Batagraf all the way," says Jon Balke. Now they are releasing their fourth album, "Delights of Decay". Batagraf-release on Wednesday is just that, with guests No. 4, Trygve Seim and Mathias Eick. Batabrok on Thursday teams up with hip hoper Sjef R and guitar wiz Hedvig Mollestad, while on Fridays Pratagraf, the group's percussionists meet the two popular comedians Are Kalvø and Espen Beranek Holm for a rare encounter between warm humour and percussion. In Norwegian, but still understandable on a subconscious level.


February 7: Batagraf - release!


February 8: Batabrok


February 9: Pratagraf