Socially conscious singer/songwriter Ola Onabulé has built an enviable career as an international touring performer epitomizing a move towards hearty, sustaining music, made by artisans with a commitment to quality, integrity and real flavor. Onabulé is a charismatic and sophisticated British-Nigerian singer/songwriter who possesses emotional intensity and vocal virtuosity, a poignant storyteller and capacity to cross cultural and musical boundaries with an unflinching lyrical pursuit of truth and justice.
The upcoming performances support his current recording project 'Point Less', a follow up to Onabulé's last album, 'It's The Peace That Deafens', with the new album boldly expressing his views on social injustice, reminiscent of Marvin Gaye's 'What's Going On'. It is an activist's call - at once a celebration of life and a cautionary take on the social forces that threaten it. Violence, immigration, xenophobia, betrayal, and dignity are themes considered on 'Point Less', rendered with a powerful and knowing generosity of spirit. Onabulé is rueful yet optimistic. Onabulé's meticulous attention to detail in his arrangements and production as well as the support from Sennheiser/Neumann have contributed to the manifestation of an impressive recording. Words, melodies, and rhythms walk a delicate tightrope of paradoxes, born of a childhood and adulthood immersed in two disparate cultures, on two different continents, during two different periods of time. 'Point Less', is a giant leap forward in Onabulé's artistic canon. It affirms his place among contemporary vocalists. He is a rugged individualist, a deeply soulful musician who has absorbed the surround sound of his youth - jazz, world - and incorporated key elements into his distinctive style. He is direct and passionate, confident in his ability to sell a song with conviction. Onabulé has forged an international career via his relentless program of recordings and concerts. He has appeared at many of the most respected international jazz festivals including Montreal, Vancouver, Istanbul, London, Edmonton, Umbria, as well as concert halls and jazz clubs worldwide. His songs about love, loss, and the human condition have been performed all over the world with his quartet/quintet as well as with the Grammy® Award-winning WDR Big Band, the SWR Big Band and other symphonic orchestras. Onabulé's reach is global and he is emerging as a musician's musician, possessing a range and aptitude that place him on that shortlist of special artist andentertainer. His three-and-a-half octave baritone, the powerful emotions he conveys with it, and his elegant appearance connect with audiences around the world. Whether in person or on record, Onabulé gives his all, which includes a thoughtful interpretation of his experiences and the world around him.
In co-operation with The Management Ark, USA
Line up: 6 piece band
Travel party: 7 people
Booking contact:
Further infos:
Website: www.ola-onabule.co.uk
Youtube Channel: OlaOnabule
Facebook: OlaOnabuleOfficial
On Tour (Europe):
Generally available in 2020 and 2021
Latest album Point Less (Rugged Ram Records / Orchard Sony - released in August 2019)