Dimitri Naiditch - "Bach Up"
Dinaï Records/ L’Autre Distribution
Release - November 15th 2019
Théâtre des Maturins Paris - February 3rd 2020
Dimitri Naïditch, well renowned pianist of the French and European music scene, as much invested in the classical repertoire as in jazz, "Dimitri Naïditch is one of those extraordinary musicians whose talent goes beyond the boxes imposed by the system". A breathtaking technique, a rare sensibility, an excessive power, and an undeniable charisma takes us to the world of music through his distinguishable, unique approach.
We are very proud to announce the release today of "Bach Up" the first album of a new collection of "classical jazz", conceived and realized by Dimitri Naïditch, named "New Time Classics". The idea is to reinterpret famous classical masterpieces to reinvent them with new arrangements, jazz improvisations, taking the harmonic and rhythmic implications of Bach’s original to a darkly dazzling extreme
This first CD on the Dinaï Records label is devoted to Bach and is played in trio with Gilles Naturel on bass and Arthur Alard on drums. Soon there will be other recordings of other masterpieces by classical composers: Mozart, Liszt, Tchaikovsky ...
On Tour for 20/21
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