31. Schaffhausen Jazz festival as Live Stream

The concerts will be to listen on the Internet starting from Wednesday the 13. May. Like no other festival in Switzerland, Schaffhausen keeps the record of the story of Swiss Jazz and modern music. And it follows this lane since 30 years. It is also the only festival in Switzerland to find in 2020 a solution for the music to be played instead of falling silent because of the Corona pandemic.

The program had to be adapted to the new situation musicians living abroad can’t travel. Some bands changed their cast others the range of pieces. But most of the bands are happy to play and the festival promises exciting and fresh music. The Schaffhausen Jazztalks discuss also live on Saturday 16.5. at 7 pm prospects and shortcomings around digital concerts. The discussion includes the actual experiences of the festival itself after three days of live streaming.
The streams can be watched on https://live.jazzfestival.ch and of course over YouTube and our Facebook site (@Schaffhauser Jazzfestival)
All infos on: www.jazzfestival.ch


Line-up Schaffhauser Jazzfestival im Live Stream Format

Mittwoch 13.5.

21.15 Uhr Sha Solo
Sha bcl, sax

21.00 Uhr Yumi Ito Orchestra (Uraufführung)
Yumi Ito voc, comp, p, Marina Tantanozi fl, Sam Barnett asax , Simon Spiess tsax , Jo Flüeler cello,  Ambrosius Huber cello , Kuba Dworak b 

22.00 Uhr J3 - Joscha Schraff Trio
Joscha Schraff p, comp., Paul Amereller dr, Xaver Rüegg b

22.45 Uhr The Jazz Trio - Round up Part 1
Florian Egli sax, Jonas Ruther dr, Raphael Walser b

Donnerstag 14.5.

20.15 Uhr Anthropology!
Philipp Schaufelberger g, Christian Wolfarth perc

21.15 Uhr UASSYN
Tapiwa Svosve as, Bells, Silvan Jeger b, Bells, Vincent Glanzmann dr

22.15 Uhr Marie Kruttli - Ludwig Wandinger (Uraufführung)
Marie Kruttli p, comp, Ludwig Wandinger dr

22.45 Uhr The Jazz Trio - Round up Part 2
Florian Egli sax, Jonas Ruther dr, Raphael Walser b

Freitag 15.5 
20.15 Uhr Soraya Berent & Michel Wintsch «Traveling Nat King Cole»
Soraya Berent voc, Michel Wintsch p

21.15 Uhr Tschopp-Stucki Duo / Shepherd Solo /Cooper Solo play the music of Skyjack
Marc Stucki tsax, Andreas Tschopp trom, Kyle Shepherd p, Shane Cooper b, keys

22.15 Uhr Florian Arbenz & Convergence (Uraufführung)
Martial In-Albon trp, flh, Nils Wogram tromb, Christy Doran g, Jim Hart vib Rafael Jerjen b, Florian Arbenz dr

22.45 Uhr The Jazz Trio - Round up Part 3
Florian Egli sax, Jonas Ruther dr, Raphael Walser b

Samstag 16.5.
19.00 Uhr 17. Schaffhauser Jazzgespräche - Digitale Formate im Jazz: Chancen und Risiken
Zusammenarbeit mit: HSLU – Musik, ZHdK, Pro Helvetia und SONART
Diskussionsforum mit: Urs Vögeli: Musiker und Co-Organisator Jazzfestival Schaffhausen, Peter Bürli: Redaktor Jazz SRF 2 Kultur, Max Frankl: Jazzmusiker mit eigener Online Community, Shusha Niederberger: Künstlerin, Vermittlerin und forscht zu Kunst, Digitalität und Gemeinschaftlichkeit, Moderation Etrit Hasler: Geschäftsführer Swiss Culture Sociale, Poetry Slammer

Buchvernissage Schaffhauser Jazzgespräche Edition 6:
Zusammenfassung der SH Jazzgespräche 2017-19, kuratiert von Sarah Chaksad

20.15 Uhr Trio Heinz Herbert
Dominic Landolt g, fx, Ramon Landolt keys, samples, Mario Hänni dr

21.15 Uhr Hildegard lernt fliegen
Andreas Schaerer voc, Matthias Wenger reeds, Benedikt Reising reeds, Andreas Tschopp tb/tuba, Marco Müller b, Christoph Steiner dr/perc

22.15 Uhr The Jazz Trio - Round up Part 4
Florian Egli sax, Jonas Ruther dr, Raphael Walser b