After two years, the festival is returning to its old venue and date - the 27th edition will again take place on the third weekend of May. The festival will feature 10 concerts in the main programme, we will listen to musicians from 8 countries and Slovenia, who will present a highly diverse range of jazz music. The headliners of this year's festival are Binker and Moses, Black Flower, Brandon Seabrook Trio, Paal Nilssen-Love CIRCUS, Phil Minton & Szilárd Mezei, and many more. All three Slovenian bands on the main stage will have their premiere performance in Cerkno. In addition to three concert evenings, the festival will also offer a variety of daily events in the town and surroundings, such as multimedia installation, jazz hike, workshop for children, round table, jam session, additional concerts and afterparties. Tickets are already on sale. Hope to see you in Cerkno.
Thursday, May 19
Robert Jukič CAMINOS DE GLORIA (SI) / Mario Rom's Interzone (AT) / Black Flower (BE)
Friday, May 20
There Be Monsters (SI, IT) / Brandon Seabrook Trio (US) / Paal Nilssen-Love CIRCUS (NO)
Saturday, May 21
Phil Minton & Szilárd Mezei (GB, RS) / TiTiTi (SI, RS) / Joanna Duda Trio (PL) / Binker and Moses (GB)
We hold the right to change the scheduled programme.
More info: https://www.jazzcerkno.si/programme/jazz-cerkno/?lang=en
Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/JazzCerkno, https://www.instagram.com/jazzcerkno/