
The Estonian jazz of today is modest in size and number, for Estonia itself is a small country. In spite of that, Estonian jazz certainly demonstrates variety, openness, vitality, creativity and lots of youthful energy. Being small in numbers does have its limits as well as advantages, many of our jazz musicians are musical "polyglots", performing in classical ensembles and orchestras, with folk and experimental line-ups, rock bands, etc.

Jazz audience in Estonia is very diverse: from youngsters to pensioners, artists to businessmen, you name it. Average jazz music fan is relatively young, around 35-40 years old.

In Tallinn there are ample opportunities to attend jazz concerts almost every day, but there are also around 10 little jazz clubs in smaller towns where concerts are less frequent, but still demonstrate the same high standard of musicianship.

In Addition to the main jazz festival Jazzkaar, the summer season is packed with amusing jazz festivals that make use of the magical scenery of Estonian islands (Juu Jääb, Sõru Jazz,  etc).

Jazz music reviews and stories get published  in culture and music magazines, sometimes in daily newspapers as well. It is more difficult to get televised, but with a well thought out plan it is an achievable goal.

Cultural Endowment of Estonia (Kultuurkapital) and Ministry of Culture support jazz music very well since the reputation of jazz is good. They support festivals, concert organisers and independent musicians who want to record an album or organise international tour. 

Guide compiled by Jazz Estonia (Eesti Jazz Liit)