In 2025, inJazz is shifting its focus. The emphasis will no longer be on a single event with performances and a conference. Instead, team inJazz will commit to various existing and new initiatives throughout the year. And tirelessly ask for more attention to music from the Netherlands that experiments and improvises: jazz, global, crossover, from makers of all ages, coming from diverse backgrounds.
Based on three pillars – the Netherlands, foreign countries and media – inJazz will present, stimulate and inform. Expect (networking) sessions and (co)programming in collaboration with venues (including BIMHUIS) and festivals (including ESNS, North Sea Jazz Festival, and the new festival for Dutch jazz at TivoliVredenburg Utrecht on 3 and 4 October), in addition to small-scale workshops and masterclasses. In the same way, inJazz will again take care of the Dutch stand at jazzahead! 2025 – cheers to our showcase artists Sam Newbould Quintet! – to promote the export of jazz and global from the Netherlands. In the media field, inJazz supports several new initiatives, with a.o. Nederlands Jazz Archief and radio station World of Jazz. Our podcast inJazz Radio is now (weekly) available in Dutch on all major platforms, and (monthly) in English on international platforms (like Onejazz, for example) and will be expanded with new partners in 2025.