April Jazz Espoo


April Jazz Festival, Espoo, Finland - 21-29th April 2023

The largest jazz festival in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area will be arranged for the 37th time at in Espoo and Helsinki. The programme features a wide spectrum of Finnish and international jazz & rhythm music stars. As in previous years, April Jazz Espoo will be hosted by the Espoo Big Band.

Visit our site for the full program - www.apriljazz.fi.

April Jazz Club
Where: Sokos Hotel Tapiola Garden, Tapionaukio 3, 02100 Espoo.
When: Approximately every second Friday.

Relax at the lobby bar or book a table and enjoy your dinner with great live music. Kids are welcome too, since there is no age limit. Young students of a local music school start the jazz evenings and the main acts feature high class Finnish and international jazz musicians. www.apriljazz.fi/club Tickets are sold at the entrance and online at Lippu.fi. Check out the events on Facebook.

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