Bergen Jazzforum


Bergen Jazzforum (BJF) was founded in 1972 and has since then been one of the most important concert promoters in Bergen, Norway, with a 50-year anniversary celebration this autumn. BJF also produced the first Nattjazz-festival in 1973. The jazz club organizes around 60 concerts a year, focusing on both Norwegian and international acts on the jazz-scene. BJF also produces a monthly and popular concert series for kids called Bajazz, including the Bajazz-festival, which takes place in October. January each year BJF produces Finsejazz, a festival located at the highest point (1222m) on the railroad between Bergen and Oslo. BJF is organized with a general manager (100%) production assistant (50%), throughout the year around 35-40 volunteers are involved in the concerts. BJF shares offices and collaborate closely with Vestnorsk Jazzsenter and Nattjazz, and aalsolos has close ties to Nasjonal jazzscene, Norwegian jazzforum and other cultural institutions and promoters in Bergen.

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