Jazz Italian Platform


Jazz Italian Platform, JIP, is a national umbrella organization that brings together eight musical organizations of great tradition spread throughout the Italian territory.

The outstanding goal is to be an interlocutor for festivals, musicians, agencies, record labels and institutions for the production of unpublished works, for the creation, realization and distribution of wide-ranging projects designed to support present and future memory, generally rather neglected.

The aims of JIP are varied: to valorize its members’ concept of cultural enterprise in a defined and productive relationship with companies and the territory; to develop the educational field, spreading the musical, cultural and social content of jazz and improvised music, working to build an aware and informed audience from childhood; favoring exchanges and the creation of international circuits.

Besides the founding members - Umbria Jazz, Bologna Jazz, Jazz in Sardinia, Jazz Network, Pomigliano Jazz, Centro Studi Saint Louis, Veneto Jazz, Visioninmusica - in 2020 JIP also includes Roma Jazz Festival, Young Jazz, Nora Jazz Festival, Oristano Dromos Festival, PercFest in Laigueglia, Bologna Jazz Club, Ferrara Jazz Club and CAM (the Sicilian Jazz circuit, which, in turn, comprises Catania Jazz, Palermo Nomos Jazz, Musicarte in Caltanissetta and Associazione bass group in Alcamo).