Mercat de Música Viva de Vic

Historiador Ramon d’Abadal i Vinyals, 5, 2° planta
Since 1989, Mercat de Música Viva de Vic is a professional meeting place for all of the sectors of the music industry. The programming comprises all kind of styles. Stages distributed all around the city, both free and paid access, and four days of live music transform the city of Vic in the centre of the country's musical and cultural activity. 

Within the Mercat de Música Viva de Vic also takes place MVLAB, which is a meeting point for artistic directors, festivals, institutions, private companies, promoters, agencies, labels and all sorts of professionals of the music industry. The main objectives are to facilitate business development, to exchange experiences and know how, to generate business and to contribute to the innovation and professional development of the sector. The MVLAB includes showcases, networking events, conferences and presentations to facilitate knowledge exchange and professional development.