
Founded in 1995 by the principal violist of the Bucharest Philharmonic, Ștefan Gheorghiu, the UCIMR Association (The Romanian Musicians' Association for Performers' Creation) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization recognized as public utility institution dedicated to promoting musical culture, particularly classical, jazz, and contemporary music, while representing the interests of performers and dancers in the performing arts field in Romania.

For 29 years, UCIMR has been organizing competitions, concerts, seasons, festivals, creative workshops, exchange programs, conferences, shows, and masterclasses.

UCIMR events stand out for their quality and original syncretic concepts, where jazz, classical, and contemporary music blend with new technologies, poetry, cartography, crafts, gastronomy, and even oenology, inviting the audience to experience art with all their senses in unconventional spaces. This complements the traditional cultural offerings and provides new professional development opportunities for artists of different generations.

With over 10,000 members nationwide, UCIMR actively promotes gender equality as defined in the EU Strategy, reflecting this commitment in the composition of its project teams, and ensuring fair compensation for individuals (regardless of gender) performing similar responsibilities within them, striving to serve as an example for good practices in its field.

Building upon over 370 projects organized in nearly 30 years since its inception, UCIMR's activities in 2023 can be summarized as follows:
- Over 400 artists involved: From folklore and classical music to jazz and contemporary sound experiments, UCIMR has contributed to the diversity and richness of musical talent.
- Over 200 concerts, recitals, and performances: Held in prestigious concert halls, museums, churches, and unconventional spaces, these events have showcased artistic and curatorial adaptability and creativity, highlighting the beauty of the Romanian heritage.
- Artists from over 15 countries: Cultural exchange and international collaborations have strengthened Romania's status in the international music scene.
- Over 50 partners: Sponsors, cultural and academic institutions, libraries, and philharmonics form a cooperative network contributing to cultural impact in communities and diversifying activities.

By initiating collaborations at the local level in heritage areas, UCIMR has made a significant contribution to promoting and developing the urban and rural cultural landscape, delighting both young and old from all social backgrounds, including communities with limited access to culture. Additionally, through programs like "Opportunities in Your Motherland," UCIMR has provided resources and guidance for the artistic and personal development of young artists.

UCIMR is managed by a Board of Directors (5 people) elected every 4 years and it is legally represented by its president, appointed by the Board of Directors (from among its members).