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Calculating & Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Wherever possible:

1. Place a CO2 emissions calculator on the website.

2. Provide questionnaires to be distributed to audience members to collect transport data (km travelled, fueltype, car type).

3. Calculate greenhouse gas emissions, expressed in CO2 equivalents, from the transport of spectators, performers and staff.

4. Calculate the energy consumption of the event for the subsequent CO2 calculation (without considering transport).

5. Calculate the waste produced by type (paper, glass, plastic, aluminium, wood, organic, undifferentiated) and treatment for the subsequent CO2 calculation.

6. Compensate the CO2 equivalent emissions emitted during the event, which could not be reduced, through reforestation or equivalent projects.


7. Monitor, by on-site audits, there forestation projects subject to offsetting.

Environmental benefits

Offsetting greenhouse gas emissions

All greenhouse gas emissions that could not be reduced, e.g., 6.9 tonnes of CO2 relating to 6 trips by six artists (three at adistance of 600km and three at a distance of 200km) by plane, can be compensated for by planting trees on an area of 623 square metres of mixed forest, assuming a tree species density of 1200 trees per hectare.