The website “Europe jazz Balance” (, for a more diverse and equal jazz scene, was launched today 24 April 2015 at the international trade show jazzahead! in Bremen, Germany.
The website is part of the Europe Jazz Network’s project “Europe Jazz Balance” leaded by jazz organsations from Scandinavian countries including EJN members Jazz Denmark, Svensk Jazz, Norsk Jazzforum and many others.
The website aims to be a tool for music event organisers, festivals and venues to address the issues of gender balance, ethnic discrimination and in general of diversity in the jazz scene. The website features a series of good practices, stories and resources that can be used by presenters to identify the forms of discrimination that often unintentionally are perpetrated in the music scene.
Lars Meiling, from Jazz Denmark, speaks about the project: “There are two main reasons why this project is important. On one side there is the financial dimension. It has been proved that a greater diversity in the musical offer improves the amount of audience. On the other side there is the artistic one. A more inclusive and balanced musical scene will be more interesting, and represent more the complexity of our modern societies. Our hope is that this project provokes a change of attitude. We hope that festival and clubs will start asking themselves questions on how they are conducting their businesses, and wonder if they could do things in a different way.”
At the moment five lectures, tips and tricks are uploaded on the website, the aim is to upload more as the project grows.
Please check the website: