We are very happy to announce that the Board of Directors has accepted 4 new members to the Europe Jazz Network:
World Music Forum NL (Netherlands)
Welcome to the EJN family!!!
Gamlestaden Jazz Festival (Sweden)
Gamlestaden Jazz Festival is an international jazz festival in Gothenburg organized by the non-profit association and established in 2013. This festival is a local initiative to bring an international festival Gothenburg and celebrating the local scene as well as play a roll in the urban development.
More information: http://www.europejazz.net/gamlestaden-jazz-festival
More information: http://www.europejazz.net/gamlestaden-jazz-festival
Maison de la Culture d'Amiens/Label Bleu (France)
Maison de la Culture d’Amiens is a public cultural institution working with all kind of art. It presents 60 different shows per season in theatre, dance, circus and music. With two festivals, one in January dedicated to dance and one during the summer dedicated to art landscape, it is the most important cultural place in the north of France. One of his main characteristics is to have a jazz record company: Label Bleu which produces artists such as Henri Texier, David Krakauer, Thomas de Pourquery, Rokia Traoré...
Jazovia Cultural Centre (Poland)
Fundacja Integracji Kultury was established in 2010. It is a non-profit organisation founded by Krzysztof Kobylinski who is a jazz composer and musician. The organisation performs two main musical projects:
- Palmjazz Festival which takes place every year in October and November in Gliwice (Poland). It has been playing since 2010.
- Filharmonia Festival which plays every year from April to July, in Gliwice (Poland). It has been playing since 2014.
Almost all these music projects take place in Jazovia. Jazovia is a Cultural Centre, place with venue where musicians, artists, activists, volunteers work.
- Palmjazz Festival which takes place every year in October and November in Gliwice (Poland). It has been playing since 2010.
- Filharmonia Festival which plays every year from April to July, in Gliwice (Poland). It has been playing since 2014.
Almost all these music projects take place in Jazovia. Jazovia is a Cultural Centre, place with venue where musicians, artists, activists, volunteers work.
World Music Forum NL (Netherlands)
World Music Forum Netherlands (WMFNL) was founded in the summer of 2006 as an open source network for the Dutch world music sector. It is a non-profit foundation under Dutch law. WMFNL is the official representative for the Dutch world music sector both nationally and abroad. This network functions as an easily accessible platform for musicians, labels, distributors, venues, media and educational institutions to advance and promote Dutch World music both domestically and abroad.
The Europe Jazz Network now consist of 110 members in 31 countries. http://www.europejazz.net/world-music-forum-netherlands
Welcome to the EJN family!!!