Jazz Promotion Network


The Jazz Promotion Network was established in 2015 to advance and support professional development, information exchange and partnership opportunities for the UK & Irish jazz industry, artists and audiences. There was no other body occupying this role across the five nations. Its stated aim is to be 'a collaborative network that enables the diverse UK & Irish jazz sector to thrive, innovate and inspire'. As a membership organisation it has a direct relationship with jazz promoters, artists and others across the UK/Ireland who often play an active role in JPN events; in addition, many JPN projects are also open to anyone involved in the jazz sector. One of its main activities is its annual conference, which takes place in a different city each year working supported by local partners - the only one of its kind in the UK/Ireland with a specific focus on jazz. JPN also organises regular training sessions and networking events throughout the year, as well as opportunities to learn from partners such as Attitude is Everything, Making Music UK, the Ivor's Academy and more. During Covid JPN moved to on-line working, and undertook a substantial programme of regional consultation,which provided invaluable insights into the needs of the sector.

JPN is a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) and a Charity. Current trustees include: Ros Rigby OBE (Chair), Orphy Robinson (Vice-Chair and musician/composer), Nod Knowles (Company Secretary), Mark Kass (National Jazz Archive), Agnese Daverio (agent), Heather Spencer (Jazz North), Peter Slavid (journalist). Keith Michael (musician and educator). The number of trustees has recently been extended to 12, giving scope for fuller regional representation and a greater diversity on the Board. Trustees serve terms of three years (renewable twice) and are elected/re-elected by the membership at the AGM JPN Trustees have always been very active in the organisation- leading on various projects, chairing and speaking at conference sessions/regional round tables, developing policy and acting as advocates for JPN in their own geographical areas. Formal Board meetings take place 5-6 times a year with various sub-groups (eg re the conference) meeting regularly in addition.
