Green Pilot Tours

A Green Pilot Tour is a tour of a SINGLE artistic project/band between at least four different venues or festivals and involving at least two EJN members from two different countries. It must focus on innovative touring models based on the principles of sustainable touring and fair and balanced practices in the music sector.

Already four Green Pilot Tour calls have been circulated, in May 2022, November 2022, May 2023 and February 2024. So far 24 tours have been granted, with a total contribution of approximately  €138.000,00.

We are now launching the FIFTH CALL
, on 30 January 2025, with a deadline for submissions on Wednesday, 30 April 2025. Please download here the GUIDELINES of the OPEN CALL (.pdf format). The general objective of the Green Pilot Tours Call is to give financial support to the EJN members to help them implement measures to organise a tour based on the principles of sustainability, fair remuneration, inclusion and gender balance.

In order to be eligible, applications for a Green Pilot Tour must be presented by a single active* EJN member (the application leader) meeting the following criteria:

  • Each application must involve at least two active* EJN members from two different countries (one as leader, and one or more as partners);
  • Only one application can be awarded for each leader organisation for this call, and a leader can be a partner in maximum one additional application;
  • If an organisation is only a partner, and no leader, it can be involved in different applications in this call;
  • Each application must include a minimum of FOUR concerts/cities/areas;
  • Only two flights (if unavoidable) are allowed per each tour proposal. Flights are considered unavoidable when a possible train travel takes more than 6 hours. IMPORTANT: in exceptional circumstances, such as for countries that are not densely populated and therefore performing spaces are at big distances between one another, a third flight could be allowed for the purpose of the Green Pilot Tour;
  • A Green Pilot Tour must involve international touring. The band leader and majority of band members cannot play in their own residing country;
  • The band leader and majority of band members must be residing in countries where EJN members are located;
  • All the dates of the Green Pilot Tour must be consequential (i.e. the tour must happen in “one leg”). However, days off for travelling and resting are possible, and the applicants are encouraged to organise additional activities with the artists in those dates;
  • All artists and professionals involved in the Green Pilot Tour must receive a fair pay for their services, in accordance with the standards of the respective country.
  • The same artistic project (or band) can only be awarded one time during this Green Pilot Tour call.

To have some inspiration from the previous successful Green Pilot Tours please check out this link.

PLEASE DOWNLOAD HERE the evaluation and results of the fourth call for Green Pilot Tours, that had a deadline on 5 May 2024. 7 applications out of the 9 received met the eligibility criteria and were awarded the financial support. Please download here the GUIDELINES of the fourth Green Pilot Tour call, launched on 5 February 2024 with a deadline on 5 May 2024.

PLEASE DOWNLOAD HERE the evaluation and results of the third call for Green Pilot Tours, that had a deadline on 16 October 2023. All 9 applications received met the eligibility criteria and were awarded the financial support. Please download here the GUIDELINES of the third Green Pilot Tour call, launched on 16 May 2023 with a deadline on 16 October 2023.

PLEASE DOWNLOAD HERE the evaluation and results of the second call for Green Pilot Tours, that had a deadline on 15 March 2023. All 3 applications received met the eligibility criteria and were awarded the financial support. Please download here the GUIDELINES of the second Green Pilot Tour call, launched on 15 November 2022 with a deadline on 15 March 2023.

PLEASE DOWNLOAD HERE the evaluation and results of the first call for Green Pilot Tours, that had a deadline on 30 September 2022. All 4 applications received met the eligibility criteria and were awarded the financial support. Please download here the GUIDELINES of the first Green Pilot Tour call, launched on 31 May 2022 with a deadline on 30 September 2022.

* EJN Bylaw: Article 5.1- active Members are members that, after admittance, pay the annual membership subscription

Case studies