This programme offers to representatives of EJN member organisations the chance to spend up to max. 8 days learning from each other, sharing experiences, and getting an insight into a foreign (working) culture in the thriving sector of creative music in Europe. Our hope is also that the exchange will be a chance to increase collaborations and develop new projects between EJN members, with the view of making our network even stronger and more connected!
8th EJN Staff Exchange programme
Professional mobility experience for members
Europe Jazz Network is pleased to offer to its members, after the great success of seven editions, the 8th round of its staff exchange programme. The idea behind the programme is that one active (*) EJN member sends an interested staff member to another active EJN member organisation in a different country.
EJN's contribution should be regarded as a support that does not cover all possible expenses, and as an incentive to foster new experiences and collaborations within the network.
Please check the reports of previous participants to the EJN Staff Exchange programme in the case studies here below.
EJN Staff Exchange in brief:
- EJN will support a limited number of exchanges (approximately 10, depending on the allocated budget) between active (*) EJN member organisations in the period between 01 January and 31 December 2025;
- Every exchange is “one-directional” (not a “twinning” programme) but two separate exchanges can be arranged between organisations in order to be reciprocal;
- Participants in the exchange shall be staff members (full/part time, collaborators) of the sending organisation. As the exchange is conceived as a learning experience, priority will be given to YOUNGER participants from member organisations;
- Priority will be also given to member organisations that didn’t participate in previous editions of the EJN Staff Exchange;
- Areas of work to be covered during the exchange include: Organisation/management of cultural events; Project management/development of new collaborations; Communication/promotion/marketing; Network coordination (for national/regional organisations); Institutional activities/fundraising; Logistical/production management, among others;
- Duration of the exchange period supported by EJN is of up to maximum 8 CONSECUTIVE DAYS at the host organisation’s premises;
- The sending organisation should contact the possible host organisation in advance, check their availability to host the exchange and agree a work schedule for the exchange programme. EJN staff will check that an application meets the basic criteria for taking part in the exchange and the quality of the work programme proposed.
- Each participant is required to send a report to EJN at the end of the exchange based on a fixed template, indicating the work done/lesson learnt/personal evaluation of the experience, together with some images/videos from the exchange. Parts of the report will be used in the EJN website and communications. A short survey will be requested to the host organisation to evaluate the experience.
- Each participant is also requested to document his/her exchange experience through photos and videos, and to publish them on social media, in order to give visibility to the programme and the support of EJN and Creative Europe, tagging @europejazznet and in the relevant posts (instagram, facebook, etc…)
- In order to apply for the staff exchange, the applicant should fill the form available here: with the agreed dates/work programme.
- *UPDATE: The DEADLINE for sending an application had been postponed to Sunday, 26 JANUARY 2025.
- For the full list of EJN members and an insight in their activities please check:
EJN will reimburse:
- A contribution to TRANSPORTATION costs (flight/train/bus/ferry/metro/tram), including transportation back and forth to the host’s area and local transportation during the exchange period, on the base of the most convenient fares, for a maximum of €350 for each exchange, based on actual expenses incurred;
- PLEASE NOTE: in order to incentivise the use of sustainable means of transportation and to cover resulting additional costs, the maximum reimbursement for transportation to/from the host city ENTIRELY by train can be of max 400€, instead of 350€.
- PLEASE NOTE: for short distances of under 600 km, travelling by aeroplane is only allowed in exceptional and well justified cases:
- for persons with disabilities
- for travelling from or to an island with no ferry connections
- due to force majeure or grave personal circumstances
- A contribution to ACCOMODATION costs (hotel/airbnb/etc...) for each participant for the duration of the exchange up to max. 100€ per day (per max. 8 consecutive days). If accommodation expenses exceed 100€ per night, the difference must be covered either by the participant or by the sending/host organisation;
- Please note that for the EJN Staff Exchange programme, EJN cannot cover any insurance costs, that in case should be covered directly by the participants or sending organisation;
- EJN GREEN RIDER: please consult and follow the EJN green rider for other aspects related to the exchange experience, for example related to the chapters “staff mobility”, “accommodations”, “green office”, “green organisations” of the organisers section:
You can download here the full guidelines of the call (.pdf file).
(*) EJN Bylaws art. 5.1 “The Association consists of active members that, after admittance, pay the EJN annual membership subscription”